
ap iaith
ap iaith
ap iaith
ap iaith
ap iaith

ap iaith游戏简介

Welcome to the ‘Ap Iaith’ theme park where you can develop and master your Welsh skills in key stage 2 and 3 to become a confident and ambitious Welsh learner.

ap iaith游戏亮点

There are ten zones in the ‘Ap Iaith’ theme park

Present tense

Past tense

Future tense


Expressing opinion



Asking questions

Familiar vocabulary

Being ambitious

Each zone has a user-friendly ‘how to’ guidance and three levelled games.

Win points in these games to open the doors to theme park arcade where you can play retro games to compete for a highscor

This app has been developed by Rhagoriaith, and Canolfan Peniarth, on behalf of, and with funding from ERW

Croeso i barc thema Ap Iaith lle gallwch ddatblygu a meistroli eich sgiliau Cymraeg yng nghyfnod allweddol 2 a 3 i ddod yn ddysgwr Cymraeg hyderus ac uchelgeisiol.

Mae deg ardal ym mharc thema Ap iaith

Amser presennol

Amser gorffennol

Amser dyfodol

Amser amodol

Mynegi barn

Defnyddio gorchmynion

Defnyddio idiomau

Gofyn cwestiynau

Geirfa gyfarwydd

Bod yn uchelgeisiol

Mae gan bob parth dair gêm ar dair lefel anhawster. Byddwch hefyd yn dod o hyd i ganllawiau syn hawdd eu defnyddio ar gyfer pob parth iaith yn ogystal â gweithgareddau uwcholeuo ar dair lefel anhawster.

Fel cymhelliad ychwanegol, bydd ennill darnau arian yn y gemau iaith yn ennill amser i chi dreulio yn arcêd y parc thema lle gallwch roi cynnig ar gemau retro i gystadlu am y sgôr ucha

Datblygwyd yr ap hwn gan Rhagoriaith, a Chanolfan Peniarth, ar ran, a gyda chyllid ERW

Ap Iaith V1.1.1更新日志

Carried over updated store description to reference ERW's role in funding and creation of the app, along with the added iPhone compatibility and reduced app size of version 1.10. Fixed the application crashing when an activity was opene


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